NASA Nebraska Space Grant

Registration is now closed. To receive information about other NASA Nebraska Education activities, join our listserv: https://forms.gle/mdSU6ExMMnbhhmQi7
Virtual Space Camp "Perseverance Style" offers a series of five hands-on space STEM activities for campers, taught by the Nebraska Space Ambassadors! Create your own mission patch, launch a straw rocket, build a Mars rover, and more!
These activities will be delivered remotely and are perfect for students, as well as professional development for teachers, afterschool providers, and informal educators.
The activity videos will be available on Youtube, with the links shared with each registered camper or teacher. Because of the virtual nature of the camp, there are not specific dates to attend, but new material will be posted July 24, and July 27-30. You may decide to either kickstart, or end the week by watching the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover launch on its mission to Mars currently scheduled for July 30, 2020 from NASA Kennedy Space Center.
One FREE kit of camp materials will be mailed to the first 250 Nebraska households to register (THE FREE KITS ARE ALREADY ASSIGNED TO FAMILIES WHO REGISTERED ON JULY 8, 2020). A materials list will be provided for everyone who registers. The activities are designed to use items that are found around the house or at little cost.
Each child (camper) should be registered individually. While only one kit per family will be mailed to the first 250 Nebraska families to register, we may be able to include some additional stickers for multiple campers in the same household. Those outside Nebraska are welcome to register but will not be eligible for the free materials kit.
If you registered, be sure to check your email and spam filters for the camp information.
Questions: Nasa.Nebraska@unomaha.edu